In the Kitchen, Hope & Love Abound

“I hope that when my kids see me in the kitchen, they are invited into the delight that I feel in getting the opportunity to love them in such a tangible way.” Derrick Weston, The Just Kitchen: Invitations to Sustainability, Cooking, Connection and Celebration

In the rush to fuel our bodies with food, especially for holiday feasts, it is easy to forget that the kitchen can be both a sanctuary and meditative space. This reading reminds us to pause there, to recognize cooking for ourselves and others as a ritual that honors the continuity of God’s good creation.

Host Jean Kelly reviews The Just Kitchen on Goodreads.

About the Author & Text


Derrick Weston has long been an engaged community organizer focused on growing food and addressing food insecurity.  A documentary filmmaker, producer, and cohost of The Food and Faith Podcast, Derrick is a firm believer in using one’s voice and the media to inspire and enact social change. He and his wife, Shannon, have four children and live near Washington, D.C. where he serves as the theological education and training coordinator for Creation Justice Ministries.

Additional music in this episode: Meditation 1 by Tyler Green.