“My home is by your altars, LORD of hosts, my king and my God!
Blessed are those who dwell in your house!”–Psalm 84: 4-5
WRITING PROMPT Psalm 84 demonstrates how the Jewish people sought God in the Jerusalem temple. But in today’s world, a wide variety of spaces offer us respite and closeness with the divine, especially if we understand that our own hearts and minds can be a temple of contemplation and prayer.
After the last step of lectio divina, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a physical place where you frequently found happiness, silence and peace. Begin by describing details using your senses, including smells, sounds, etc., but then try to capture why the place is special and why you feel special in that setting. Conclude by writing about practical ways you can find–and protect–both special times and special places where to meet God everyday.
Pray: Listen to this meditation