Finding God's Grace in Music

Guest Eddie Cotter, Jr., missionary and Irish traditional musician, discusses how music as a form of prayer can “reach places in the soul” that spoken words cannot. Below he provides an original composition, performed by The Kells, that can be used for audio divina.

WRITING PROMPT    In an effort to live out the advice of Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey to be “faithful to the present moment” so as not to frustrate God’s plan for our lives,” listen to the Fatima song above and then just sit in silence for a few moments. Was there a particular phrase, instrumental or lyrical, that resonated with your heart? Might it be God’s voice?

Now free write any insights or inspiration that followed your silence.


About the Guest

Eddie Cotter Jr. is a missionary, Irish traditional musician, songwriter and Cofounder & Executive Director of the Dead Theologians Society, a Catholic apostolate for teens and young adults with more than 500 chapters in the U.S. and abroad. Cotter, also the director of youth ministry at St. Patrick’s Church in Columbus, Ohio, works to inspire the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow.